What a difference 3 years makes in the stuido. Here's a photo taken 3 years ago. I no longer have wall space to hang pictures and my available floor space has been taken up by a jewelers bench, shelves for hammers and so much more. Love Love Love it. Wish my cold would go away so I could get in there and get busy. via Deb V Designs http://ift.tt/1P1QUNc
Recycling and found objects are a fun way to be creative. I took apart a keurig pod to see what I could recycle vs sending the whol pod to the landfill. I found an interesting plastic piece on the inside so I just had to save it to see how they would work with copper in the hydraulic press. Needless to say, they embossed the metal with the design and are now dangling below a pair of beautiful SRA lampwork beads. #debVdesigns via Deb V Designs http://ift.tt/1O3AOU4