You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore...

You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore

And I am so happy cause I now look at special occasions as an
"Excellent Opportunity" to add to my tool and supply stash.

My journey into the world of jewelry design has created a monster.  
Visions of tools, beads and all the other wonderful items available dance in my head.  
My DH actually likes that I say "I just ordered my birthday gift" so don't buy me anything.  
I'd rather a new pair of special pliers or a Fretz hammer over flowers - any day.

Here are a few pics of my most recent additions to my tool heaven.

New Dapping Block. 
This is the 3rd one I've ordered and finally, the right one.  
I needed a deep block for the domed pendants I make.  

Miter Jig Cutter
This will help get even ends for soldering. 
A must have for any studio. (so I hear... I'll get back on that once I have a chance to use it).

I want to learn tube setting and this is the tool to close the tube over the stone.
I will order the silver thick walled tube for Valentines day.
I'm not giving up a delightful Valentines dinner accompanied by a nice bottle of wine.  
A girl's gotta know the important things in life cannot be substituted.

Cup Burs to take all the sharp bits off ends of wire.  
Useful for ear wires mostly but good for ends on wire wraps as well.

I have been using my foredom more lately.
I shied away from it as there are so many bits to use and it can get confusing.
After watching the videos from interweave on hand and machine finishing, 
along with Nancy Hamilton's YouTube videos, 
I feel more confident in using the flexshaft.
I also took a class at the FVBS last year which was helpful.
These Snap on Sanding discs are one of Helen Driggs favorites and
a great addition to help finish pieces.

I've been playing with Steel wire lately and you really need a pair of cutters 
that can handle steel wire as it can kill a good pair of cutters very quickly.

These are great for cleaning up edges

Tim Holtz and other bits and pieces for the the future designs I have in mind.


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