Have you been to a Facebook party lately?
The Olde Farmhouse will be hosting the
"Country Corner Vintage Market" on
July 26th and 27th at Country Fest in Maple Ridge.
To celebrate, they are hosting a #FacebookParty.
The Vendors of the "Country Corner Vintage Market" (hosted by the #OldeFarmhouse), have donated prizes to be given
away to lucky shoppers during the party. In order to qualify, you just have to visit the Facebook page of the vendor's prize as it is offered, LIKE it, then return to the
events page to comment that you have done so. Then answer a fun (and very easy) question asked on that post and cross your fingers. Every 4-5 minutes (or so), a new prize is offered up. A random number generator is used to pick each winner. The
winners must pick up their prize at the market, from the vendors booth.
The Facebook party will take place on July 22nd, 2014 from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.
During the party time, you just have to log onto Facebook and go to the Country CornerFacebook Party page. It is there that you can watch the prizes come up
and all the comments that people leave on each prize.
Here is the link to the Facebook Party Events Page
Here is the link to the Country Corner Vintage Market event page as well, so you can share with your friends and family!!
Here is the link to debVdesigns Facebook.
#debVdesigns is so excited to be a part of the market and GOOD LUCK on winning a great prize.
#debVdesigns is so excited to be a part of the market and GOOD LUCK on winning a great prize.
It is going to be a
great weekend!!
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